Objetivo: object, purpose

Oblicuas (coordenadas): oblique coordinates

A coordinate system in which the axes are not perpendicular.

Oblique projection is a type of parallel projection. Thus, it projects an image by intersecting parallel rays (projectors) from the three-dimensional source object with the drawing surface (projection plane). In both oblique projection and orthographic projection (the other type of parallel projection), parallel lines of the source object produce parallel lines in the projected image. The projectors in oblique projection intersect the projection plane at an oblique angle to produce the projected image, as opposed to the perpendicular angle used in orthographic projection.

Oblicuo (triángulo): oblique triangle


A triangle that is not a right triangle

Observar, ver, notar: to observe.



Obtuso (ángulo): obtuse angle

An angle larger than 90o but smaller than 180º

Angles larger than a right angle and smaller than two right angles (between 90° and 180°) are called obtuse angles  ("obtuse" meaning "blunt").

Obtuso (triángulo): obtuse.



Obtusángulo (triángulo): obtuse triangle.


A triangle that contains an obtuse angle

Ocho bits (el octeto); el byte: byte.

Octavo (la octava parte): eighth.

Omitir: to omit.

Onda (longitud): wavelength.

In physics, wavelength is the distance between repeating units of a propagating wave of a given frequency. Examples of wave-like phenomena are light, water waves, and sound waves

Onza: ounce.

Onda: wave.

Operación: operation.

An operation is an action or procedure which produces a new value from one or more input values. There are two common types of operations: unary and binary. Unary operations involve only one value, such as negation and trigonometric functions

Operador: operator.

Opuesto: opposite.

Ordenar: to order.

Ordenar, poner en orden, arreglar: to put in order.

Orden de menor a mayor, el orden ascendente: ascending order.

Ordinales: ordinal numbers.

Ordinal, ordinal number, and transfinite ordinal number refer to a type of number introduced by Georg Cantor in 1897 to accommodate infinite sequences and to classify sets with certain kinds of order structures on them. Ordinals are an extension of the natural numbers different from integers and from cardinals.

Ordinada: ordinate.

Orden descendente: descending order.

Orden, la ordenación: order.

Orden de operaciones: order of operations.

Origen (de las coordenadas), el punto cero (0, 0): origin.