maestro, instructor: teacher

The teacher is the person who teach the students and help them with their doubts.

magnético: magnetic

Are the materials with the property of attraction or repulse, according to the position of their poles. The two poles are attracted if there are different (north-south, south-north), but repulse if there are similar (north-north, south-south).

magnitud: magnitude

Is all that can be, measure, touch, weight…

malas notas (sacar): to get poor grades



manipular, manejar: to manipulate



mantisa (la): mantissa

Is the positive fractional part of a logarithm.

(the logarithm is a exponent that need be raise a positive quantity to be a determined number.)

más bajos (los términos): lowest terms



más cercano, más próximo: nearest



más grande: bigger

A thing was bigger another

más lejano: farthest



más pequeño: smaller



más rápido (el): fastest



más simple (la forma): simplest form 



más simples (los términos): simplest terms



más, y (+): plus (+) 

Is the symbol that we use in maths to add, that is represented with a little cross (+).

más, y (+): plus (+)

The plus (+ ) are mathematical symbols used to represent the notions of positive and negative as well as the operations of addition and subtraction.

más: more 


It´s a quantity adverb, that is employed in comparisons. Express high numerical quantity or high intensity of the actions or properties.

matemáticas (el laboratorio de): math lab



matemáticas (la preocupación, ansiedad por): math anxiety



matemáticas (las): mathematics

Is the science that study by hypothetical-deductive systems, the properties of geometric shapes, numbers...etc. So their relationships between them.

matemáticas aplicadas: applied mathematics



matriz (la): matriz


Is the whole of algebraic numbers or symbols arenged in horizontal and vertical lines, and placed in rectangular form.

matriz de puntos (la): dot matriz



máxima velocidad, límite de velocidad: speed limit

In physics, velocity is defined as the rate of change of position. It is a vector physical quantity, both speed and direction are required to define it. In the SI (metric) system, it is measured in meters per second (m/s). The scalar absolute value (magnitude) of velocity is speed. For example, "5 metres per second" is a speed and not a vector, whereas "5 metres per second east" is a vector. The average velocity (v) of an object moving through a displacement (Δx) in a straight line during a time interval (Δt) is described by the formula:

V = e/t

máximo (el): maximum


Is the limit, the extreme, the highest of the magnitude that we applied

mayor común factor (el): greatest common factor



mayor que, más grande que: greater than (>)



mayor que, más que (de): more than (>)



mayormente: mostly, in most cases



media (la velocidad) (la distancia total recorrida dividida por el tiempo empleado): average velocity

Is the result of the total run distance, divided by the time that we take run it.

media cuadrática (la) (la raíz cuadrada de la media de los cuadrados de un grupo de numeros): quadratic mean



media cuadrática (la): root mean square (rms) 



media geométrica (la): geometric mean



mediados (a mediados de): towards the middle



mediana (la): median

mediante, por medio de: by means of

medición (la): measuring, mensuration

medida (el patrón de): standard of measurement

medidas (las): measurements

medidas (sistema ingles de): English system of measurement    

medidas de área (las): measures of area

medidas de peso (las): measures of weight

medidas de volumen (las): measures of volume

medio (el ángulo): half-angle

medio (el): media

medio (el): middle

medio (en medio de): in the middle of 

medio (valor medio): average

medios (los): jeans

medir: to measure

In mathematics the concept of a measure generalizes notions such as "length", "area", and "volume" (but not all of its applications have to do with physical sizes).

mejor: better

Better is the comparative form of the adjective good.


memorando (el), nota (la): memo

memoria: memory

In psychology, memory is an organism's ability to store, retain, and subsequently retrieve information. Traditional studies of memory began in the realms of philosophy, including techniques of artificially enhancing the memory.

memoria de computadora (la): computer memory

memorizar, aprender de memoria: to memorize

menor que, menos que: less than ( < )



menos,excepto: except

menos: less

mensual(mente): monthly

mes (el): month

The month is a unit of time, used with calendars, which is approximately as long as some natural period related to the motion of the Moon. The traditional concept arose with the cycle of moon phases; such months (lunations) are synodic months and last approximately 29.53 days.

metódico: methodical  



método (el), procedimiento (el): method



método (el), procedimiento (el): procedure



método abreviado, corto (el): short cut



método algebraico (el): algebraic method



método científico (el): scientific method



método de enseñanza (el): teaching method



método gráfico (el): graphic method



metodología (la):  methodology



métrico decimal (el sistema): metric decimal system



metro (el): meter

The metre or meter[1](symbol: m) is the fundamental unit of length in the International System of Units (SI).

metro cuadrado (el): square meter

The square metre (also spelled meter, see spelling differences) is the SI derived unit of area, with symbol m². It is defined as the area of a square whose sides measure exactly one metre.

metro cúbico (el): cubic meter

The cubic metre (symbol m³) is the SI derived unit of volume. It is the volume of a cube with edges one metre in length.

mezcla (la): mixture

mezclar: to mix 

micro (prefijo que indica una millionésima): micro

microcomputadora (la):  microcomputer 

micrón (el) (una millionésima de un metro), micrómetro (el): micrometer

mil (es de): thousand(s)

mil metros (el kilómetro): kilometer

milésimas (las): thousandths

milésimas (las): thousandths (place)

mili (prefijo que indica una milésima) (E-3, 0.001): milli

mililitro (el) (una milésima de un litro): milliliter

milímetro (el) (una milésima de un metro): millimeter

milla (la): mile

milla marina, náutica (la): nautical mile

milla terrestre (la):  statute (land) mile

millar (las centenas de): hundred thousands

millar (las decenas de): ten thousands

millares (las): thousands

millares (las): thousands (place)

millas por galón: miles per gallon 

millas por hora: miles per hour

millón (las decenas de): ten millions

millón (las unidades de):  millions

millón (un) (de): million 

millón (unidades de): millions (place)

1000000 = 2·106

One million (1,000,000), or one thousand thousand, is the natural number following 999,999 and preceding 1,000,001.

In scientific notation, it is written as 106[1] Physical quantities can also be expressed using the SI prefix mega, when dealing with SI units. For example, 1 megawatt equals 1,000,000 watts.

millonésimas (las): millionths (place)

mínimo (el): minimum

mínimo común denominador (el): least common denominador

mínimo común múltiplo (el): least common multiple

minuendo (el) (se resta de este número): minuend 

minuendo (el)(se resta de este número): minuend

minuto (el): minute

mismo (el), igual, idéntico: identical

mismo (el): same

mismo sentido (el): same sense 



mitad (la), medio (el): half


One half is the irreducible fraction resulting from dividing one by two (½), or any number by its double; multiplication by one half is equivalent to division by two.


mitad de una esfera (la), hemisferio (el): hemisphere



mixto: mixed



mixtos (los números): mixed numbers



moda (la) (la moda de una serie de números es el valor que se presenta con la mayor frecuencia): mode



modelo (el): model



modelo matemático (el): mathematical model



modem (el): modem



moneda: coin

A coin is usually a piece of hard material, usually metal or a metallic material, usually in the shape of a disc, and most often issued by a government. Coins are used as a form of money in transactions of various kinds, from the everyday circulation of the United States quarter, to the storage of vast amounts of bullion. In the present day, coins and banknotes make up the cash forms of all modern money systems.

moneda de cinco centavos (la): nickel



moneda de diez centavos (la): dime 



monomio (el): monomial



mostrar, señalar, indicar: to point out



motivo (el), el porqué: reason why, motive 



mover tres lugares a la izquierda: to move 3 places to the left

móvil (el): moving body 



móviles (problemas) (los problemas de móviles, del movimiento; e.g., la distancia (d) recorrida por un objeto (o móvil) a una velocidad (v) uniforme y media durante un tiempo (t) viene dada por la fórmula: d=vt): motion problems



movimiento (el),  moción(la): motion



movimiento curvilíneo (el): curvilinear motion



movimiento curvilíneo (el): curvilinear motion



movimiento rectilíneo (el):  rectilinear motion



movimiento rectilíneo (el): rectilinear motion



muchas veces, frecuentemente, a menudo, con frecuencia:  frequently (often)        



muestra (la): simple



multimedia: multimedia 



multinomio (el): multinomial



multiplicación (la tabla de): multiplication table



multiplicar (3 x 2 = 6 - tres multiplicado por dos son seis, 2 y 3 son factores de 6, el producto de 2 y 3 es 6): to multiply 



multiplicativa (la identidad): multiplicative identity



multiplicativo (el inverso): multiplicative inverse



multiplicidad (la): multiplicity



múltiplo; múltiple (el): multiple