ábaco: abacus

An abacus (plurals abacuses or abaci), also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool for performing arithmetical processes, often constructed as a wooden frame with beads sliding on wires. The user, called an abacist, slides counters by hand on rods or in grooves. It was in use centuries before the adoption of the written Hindu-Arabic numeral system and is still widely used by merchants and clerks in China, Korea, Japan, Africa and elsewhere

abreviatura: abbreviation


arriba: above


abscisa: abscissa


The horizontal coordinate of a point in a plane Cartesian coordinate system, obtained by measuring parallel to the X axis. 

In a system of rectangular Cartesian coordinates, the distance of a point along the horizontal X-axis from the vertical Y-axis . Usually the independent variable.

ausente: absent


ausencia: absence


aceleración de la gravedad: acceleration of gravity


año: year


anualmente: yearly


acelerar: to accelerate


acre: acre


A unit of area often used to measure plots of land.

One acre is equivalent to exactly 43,560 square fee, or 4,840 square yards, or 1/640 of a square mile, or about 4,047 square meters.

axis: eje


A line of reference in a coordinate system. Plural: axes