¿Cómo registrar la ClassPad?

Para descargar algunas aplicaciones de ClassPad se requiere ser miembro de este sitio, cosa que consigues registrando la ClassPad 300 cuando la compras, simplemente facilitando el número de serie de la calculadora.

Input the information below to create your profile.
When you are finished, click the [NEXT] button to register the information.

Make sure you input your e-mail address and the password you want to use, which are required to access various member services. Use English letters and numbers when inputting your mail address and password. Symbols are not allowed.

Fields marked with an * are required.
Product No. *
It is a number described on the back of the product. (ClassPad 300)
Nombre del modelo * FA-CP*** is the Model Name of ClassPad Manager.
Please find it on the package of your product.

E-mail *
Confirmar E-mail *
Password * (4 to 16 English letters or numbers)
Cofirmar Password * (4 to 16 English letters or numbers)
Register as * School Corporate Private
Company / School Name
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthday * / / (Day / Month / Year)
Country *
Province, State
Post Code, Zip Code
Occupation *
Student / Pupil
Update News * Put me on the ClassPad 300 User's Mailing List so I can receive CASIO news by e-mail.


Esto no es más que una especie de manual de seguimiento; para registrarte ONLINE no tienes más que entrar en:


y seguir los pasos de Registro

Ó Abel Martín


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